
Skate & Create


“ carving has been an outlet for me… Skating is creating”

- Bear Archer

My Basic Process

Making the mold

  • Make a box as a mold for the resin and wood. Then seal the box’s edges with silicone and Shurtape HW-300 Housewrap Sheathing Tape.

    • Resin does not stick to these materials. This makes it easier to release the mold after it has cured.

  • Place your wood into the box and begin to mix your resin. (Be careful not to create bubbles in your mixture.)

    • 2:1 ratio is 2 parts resin to 1 part hardener. This type of resin produces a stronger mold compared to a 1:1 resin.

    • I prefer to use harder wood, such as cherry, because of it’s durability.

  • Before you pour resin in your box, place weights on the wood to keep it from floating.

  • Pour in the resin, filling up the box until it reaches the top of the wood.

    • By pouring in one place, you can help prevent any bubbles from forming.

    • A blow torch can be used to pop bubbles.

Shaping the deck

  • Deconstruct the mold box and break out the block of resin and wood.

  • Plane the mold with a hand planer to make it level.

    • Use a sled to make this process easier or throw it through a planer machine.

  • Sketch out the shape of the deck.

  • Use a jig saw to cut out the shape of the deck.

  • Use a router table to round the edges of the deck.

  • Finish off with sanding and polishing and you’ve got yourself a board!