To me, functional art is the best kind of art. Please take a look at these projects and reach out if you have any other ideas!


The Half pipe

This pipe is hand made on a lathe tool. The bowl is crafted from Cherry wood, a non toxic wood, while the stem is made from a skateboard bonded with organic glue. This funky pipe also has a bottle opener on the back of the bowl. I like to call this pipe the “half pipe” half bottle opener, half skateboard. Made for rippin’ and sippin’. A one of a kind pipe and for a one of a kind experience.


The art of speed

This motorcycle was definitely one of the most challenging yet rewarding projects yet. For this collaborations, I vinyl wrapped the tank and back fins with a custom printed vinyl wrap of my artwork. This project took hours of concentration to create a truly one of kind bike.


The wakeboard project

This board was one of the first resin pieces I had done off the canvas. This project seriously took me out of my comfort zone and made me want to take my artwork in new directions off the page.


Pot head

This funky fun pottery piece is one of my favorite water pipes. It is constructed from clay and made with a bowl, chamber and carb hole. It is definitely a one of a kind pipe.